Glazing tools

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Radius cutter (remaining stock)

Item No.: 225-gross – RP

Radius cutter for radii of up to 160 mm - only €73.90 plus VAT - only while stocks last!

Cutting head holder BO436.5 - (remaining stock)

Item No.: sk/4-Bo4365 - RP

Cutting head holder BO436.5 - only €169.90 plus VAT - only while stocks last!

Assembly aid for quick-change holder with cutting wheels - (remaining stock)

Item No.: MMK-MTH/SV - RP

Assembly aid for quick-change holder with cutting wheels 265-3.. only €11.90 plus VAT. - Only while stocks last!

quick release holder for cutting wheel - (remaining stock)

Item No.: MMK-SWH/SV - RP

quick release holder for cutting wheel 265-3.. - Only €9.90 plus VAT - only while stocks last!

axle for quick release holder - (remaining stock)

Item No.: MMK-HMA/PF - RP

axle for quick release holder MMK-HMA/PF - only €1.80 plus VAT - only while stocks last!

axle for quick release holder - (remaining stock)

Item No.: MMK-HMA/4321 - RP

axle for quick release holder MMK-BO4321 - only €1.80 plus VAT - only while stocks last!

Plastic wheel carrier with cutting wheel - (remaining stock)

Item No.: 265-8.150 – RP

Plastic wheel carrier with cutting wheel – 150° - only €5.90 plus VAT - only while stocks last!

tungsten carbide cutting wheel - (remaining stock)

Item No.: 281-3.155CG - RP

tungsten carbide cutting wheel – 155° - Cutmaster Gold - only 22,90 € plus VAT - only while stocks last!